Friday 28 September 2018

Cuba September 28

I ventured down a long and not winding road before doubling back and inspecting the rear of the western mangrove main lake after breakfast. It pleased me to find evidence of movement albeit of local birds not migrants, still I got some welcome trip newbies. 2 Red-legged Thrush, 1 Cuban Green Woodpecker, pr Giant Kingbird, 6 Northern Mockingbird. I listened to the melodious song of the latter in preparation for the annual March migration to Shibden Head 😎 😂.
Also a pr of nuclear warhead warblers that decided sitting still for a nano second was not an option.

The main lake produced 1 each of Little Blue Heron & Reddish Egret, 3 Tricoloured Heron, 1 Royal Tern, 2 Snowy Egret ditto Green Heron & newbies a pr Black-necked Stilt. A distant bird atop a tree showing extensive white on the shoulders and top back turned out to be an Anhinga which I think is a lifer. A Double-crested Cormorant had just taken off from alongside this bird, showing good species comparison detail.

After munch I decided the western mangrove Brown Pelican needed to be photographed. The bird spent some time in the lagoons and some in the sea fishing. Laughing Gulls hung around it hoping for snacks, I don't know if they got any dropped goodies as it's beak can hold more than its belly can. 😌😴.
Others here 1 Great White & 3 Reddish Egret, 2 Grey Plover one of which almost jumped into the camera and the previously reported regulars. The Turnstone from yesterday is still hanging around the same beach area.

There are a few really striking flutterbyes and goths (you only see these at night) here and I've managed some pics of one or two. Local legend has it that some of these beauties are musically inclined and in fact a couple of decades back they formed a well known rock band Def Lepidoptera.
Don't ask me how I do it just be grateful it's free 🤢😇.