Sunday 30 September 2018

Cuba September 30

Sunday Sept 30 The day the rains came meaning that the eastern mangrove was a no go as the fringes were downgraded to quagmire status. The rear of the western mangrove proved crushingly boring with just 1 each of Reddish Egret & Little Blue Heron, 6 Smooth-billed Ani, ditto GA Grackle, 1 Northern Mockingbird.

Sunday 30th after munch. The rain ceased so I went to the western mangrove which was not flooded excessively. Things picked up as did my spirits with 2 trip newbies seen. A pr of Barn Swallow a la UK were the first but they didn't hang about. The second incomer was a very impressive Greater Yellowlegs that actually flew in for a photo call 😋😀. Also 3 Turnstone, 1 Gray Plover, a pr Reddish Egret, 5 Grey Kingbird, 1 Piping/Snowy Plover briefly, 4 Semi P Plover & 4 Semi P Sandpiper down to 4 yards feeding around my plates of meat. The suspected winter Spotted Sandpiper only showed once briefly and the Brown Belly Can has legged it.

Saturday Sept 29 A poor day alleviated by an Osprey flying low down over my head in the eastern mangrove. Of course my camera was firmly stashed at rucksack bottom 😲😪. Others: 1 Giant Kingbird, 3 Killdeer, 5 Least Sandpiper, 1 SB-Ani ditto Reddish Egret, 3 Snowy Egret, 1 each Northern Mockingbird & White-winged Dove, Savannah Sparrows.