Sunday 28 April 2019

Queensbury Poles Stroll

Both local North & South this cold morning. Old Guy Rd 7 Skylark, 2 Linnet, pr Lapwing. 16 large gulls north but the sun in my eyeballs prevented 100% id though I did get the feeling one at least was LBBG. WW in Roper Lane.

Oats Royd is finished as a venue - overgrown and access problems. 2 WW 2 Chiffchaff, 1 Blackcap & Greenfinch.
Shibden Head: Song Thrush, 2 Blackcap, WW. The delph leading to Deanstones Lane coughed up 4 Linnet, 2 Whitethroat & a pr Swallow.