Sunday, 7 April 2019

Rawai Hillsides

A pretty lumpy slog this am, costing me a litre of sweat but the payback was some interesting birds.
Hoopoe were calling frequently as they have been doing since day one.

A small bird that sounded like squeaking garden machinery turned out to be a Sunbird; I'll determine which later.
A pr Brahminy Kite put on a show as did an unknown party of Drongo species (I do know they weren't Racket-tailed).

Had great views of a Brown Shrike less so of an Indian Roller. Both of these are lifers 😎😋
Also Magpie Robin, Pond Herons, White-vented Myna & pigeons.
I had a look at the river (polluted up to the eyeballs 🤢) and got only my second ever Asian Brown Flycatcher. Yet another Brown Shrike turned up as did a few Yellow-vented Bulbuls. I'm getting spoiled but hell I'm worth it.