Monday 8 April 2019

Very Heated Birding

I went up into the hills even further this am and arrived a Cape Prom Thep hoping to get seabirds but it was closed for business. Such is the paucity of seabird life here a huge fishing trawler didn't have a single bird following it!
After scanning the rocks I came across a Cormorant, either Little or Indian. I got a distant shot of it so hopefully in a day or so I should have bottomed it.

Another new bird not a lifer but most welcome was a Shikra seen twice in flight (just think of Sparrowhawk). I managed to get fairly good shots of Olive-backed Sunbird  which could be a lifer but I've almost got to the stage of not being bothered.
Also seen: 2 Black Drongo, 5 Scaly-backed Munia, Asian Brown Flycatcher, Brown Shrike, Indian Roller.

The local cess pit river turned up a Brahminy Kite and another first in the shape of 3 photogenic Striated Swallow. At the other end of the beach I got my first viewing of Hoopoe but as expected the moment the camera appeared, the bird disappeared.

Note to self: when the heat is crippling and the birding sloooow just think about breakfast time when you were feeding Tree Sparrows which came up to a metre away and a Common Myna which thought about taking from the hand before I relented and threw it the grub. Does this happen at home in the local parish? Nooooo.