Thursday, 4 April 2019

Roasted While Birding

Yumpin Yiminy it's bleeding hot so much so methinks this holiday has all the potential of a disaster .
Wednesday April 3: Asian Palm Swift; Common Mynah; Striated Heron; Javan Pond Heron or whatever nationality appeals as it's hard to split.
Jungle Crow and Eurasian Tree Sparrow nesting all over the hotel including the reception area. All too brief views of flying Eastern Spotted or Red Collared Dove.

Thursday April 4: Finally discovered a small, narrow river and estuary after a long walk. Oddly enough this is where the birds performed to my satisfaction .
Collared Kingfisher, White-breasted Waterhen, 6 Javan Pond Heron, Magpie Robin, Barn Swallow, breeding Asian Palm Swift colony.

There are  3 species I have to work on, two of which I have the genus tagged; the other needs splitting twixt 2 families. Goes to show yer think you know most of it; truth is yer don't know half of it . Still the ginormous Water Monitor lizard I eyeballed didn't take my leg off at the elbow 