Saturday 5 October 2019

Fun and Games

Friday was laid back compared to today Saturday when I finally got some decent photos of a Brown Shrike and got my phone working and made another successful transfer of photos from Camera to Tablet to Drive (I think) via the magic of WiFi. What will I do with all my cables I wonder (don't dare suggest strangulation).

The WB Sea Eagle did another circuit on Friday afternoon and I was happy to get shots of very obliging Barn Swallows.
Back to this morning, Saturday. I undertook another long hike to no avail, there being no new birds save one. A Swift species of a good size flew around giving good views but I still can only say I know what it wasn't.

No matter for to my heart's delight I found a couple more roadside rubbish dumps and both Common Tailorbird and Magpie Robin were encountered. Then later as a manifestation of the dumps scenario I photographed a Common Myna down to 3 yards desperately trying to rid itself of a piece of cellophane wrapped around it's beak. 150 yards away from this sighting there is a dangling dead Myna suspended from a tree branch by what appears to be fishing line.

On the bright side back on the hotel balcony I took an opportunistic snapshot of a large circling raptor which came and left abruptly. From a cursory inspection of the image I think it's one I will have to spend a little time on.