Thursday 3 October 2019

Thursday Turd October

The smokin hot WB Sea Eagle put on a flying extravaganza this morning as I drooled saliva from my hotel balcony 😋. It was undershadowed by another smaller eagle possibly Changeable Hawk but that is questionable. I had another Asian Glossy Starling by the swimming pool also.

I chose to go to a Bird Park to see some birds and justify the expense of coming out here to sweat lbs of gut fat off. The moral issue  isn't too burdensome forsooth; the birds have been captive since young so releasing them would be a death sentence. However because the park is for entertainment value and has no captive breeding program I hope that as the birds die the government forces the place to close. Now that is the pinnacle of naivety in wishful thinking given the fact that there will always be a queue of families waiting to show their children the pretty birds and fill the coffers of the commercial and subsequently government bodies.

A Great Hornbill espied me with cocked camera and promptly flew over and shoved all of it's huge bill through the cage at eyeball 👀 height. Turned out he/she didn't want a snack, the bird wanted it's beak stroking! So I did just that and was delighted to see the bird close its eyes apparently in rapture. Good to achieve a rapport with a fellow creature ain't it? (my next venture involves King Cobras...)