Tuesday 1 October 2019

Torrid Tuesday

Woyasus it sure was a roaster today ensuring that a poor birding venue would be really chronic. And so it came to pass but luckily I didn't pass out.

Wait! Two sentences in and I haven't mentioned the lifetime avian adventure? Silly me!
In was returning from the mornings session which was humdrum when a massive nay ginormous bird flew over my crumpet and casually flew around the lake three times. I managed to get 1 acceptable photo and two below par shots of a...

WHITE-BELLIED SEA EAGLE.  I'm unsure whether it's a lifer and I couldn't give a dog's breath as all others I've seen of similar ilk were at distance.

Down hill all the way after that but hell I got to enjoy some more pollution in the waterways. 💀