Friday, 10 July 2020

A Quiet Session

Sporadic activity with long quiet spells so it's back to the norm. Probable evidence of local migration e.g a WW seen clearly flitting between bushes and calling with no juveniles nearby. Also a single Sand Martin flying over a farm field. Talking about juveniles this Moorhen really threw me as it was by the side of a minor road.

24 BH & 1 LBB Gulls, 1 Cormorant ditto GC Grebe. An active agitated female Blackcap seen, 2 Chiffchaff. 1 gate that needs oiling as it's still squeaking.

Pr Dunnock, 2 Whitethroat, 1 Swallow ditto Song Thrush. Pr Linnet similar Goldfinch. 1 Oystercatcher overhead.

Finished off with Pr GSW, 1 Green Woodpecker & Chiffchaff. 1 Pied & a Grey Wagtail family of 6 individuals.