Monday 6 July 2020

Peaks and Troughs

Never thought I'd manage the Three Peaks at my age but it did come to pass during the inevitable low spells.
1st peak: 3 LEO seen or heard from a public bridleway.
This was followed in the space of 10 minutes by the 2nd peak. 10 Crossbill first heard then seen as they flew overhead.

Birds seen in the troughs: 1 each BH & LBB Gull. 2 Cormorant, 1 GC Grebe ditto Kestrel. 2 each Chiffchaff & WW, 1 each Blackcap Whitethroat & Song Thrush. 
Few Swallow knocking about as were Meadow Pipit also 1 Moorhen.

3rd peak and a very late first of the year: 1 Common Sandpiper. 2 Pied Wagtail, 9 House Martin, 1 Chiffchaff & 6 Canada, few Goldfinch, couple Linnet.