Tuesday, 14 July 2020

Another Down and Up Slog

0825-1125 hrs. A chronic bore for much of the way, making me appreciate yesterday's back yard Sparrowhawk in flight threefold.

I recommend a Kayak for the Ned Hill track which coughed up a Blackbird and 2 WW. I was wrong about the probable migration statement made in a previous post. Both WW were rather frantic in their calls and actions; I am now certain they have bred.

The GC Grebe is still glued to the surface of Ogden Water but the Cormorants weren't about. 13 BH & 3 LBB gulls present plus a couple of Chiffchaff, 1 Song Thrush, 2 Mistle Thrush & a few Swallow.

Things changed dramatically from the Mixenden Stile along Hunter Hill bottom. It was dirty filthy stinking rotten with birds. 5/6 Stonechat, several Linnet & Meadow Pipit, a multiplicity of Goldfinch & a severe storm of Swallows.

Several House Martin were overhead at Mixenden which also had Jackdaws, Nuthatch & a Chiffchaff, however the water was virtually barren.

Don't go too close dearie, I'm not quite sure this guy is right in his head