Today the birds reappeared in style for two thirds of the trek from Soil Hill to Mixenden where it failed no doubt out of loyalty.
Soil Hill: 3 Raven on the Radio Mast. 4 Pheasant, 1 Skylark, couple Meadow Pipit similar Swallow. 3 Greylag Geese looking like the domestic version. 4 WW one of which sang frequently also 3/4 LBBG & c12 BHG helping with haymaking.
Ogden Res: at 1149 hrs a couple of Common Tern flew in from the south calling loudly. They did over half a lap on the W shore then veered off over the trees in the direction of Cold Edge. One looked to be a juvenile bird, the other was an adult.
The golf course rough came up trumps with a juvenile or possible female Yellowhammer in among a small cluster of Meadow Pipit. A male Reed Bunting & 3/4 Stonechat were also active here.
Then it completely shut down.