Thursday, 30 July 2020

Ogden Delivereth and More

Today the birds reappeared in style for two thirds of the trek from Soil Hill to Mixenden where it failed no doubt out of loyalty.

Soil Hill: 3 Raven on the Radio Mast. 4 Pheasant, 1 Skylark, couple Meadow Pipit similar Swallow. 3 Greylag Geese looking like the domestic version. 4 WW one of which sang frequently also 3/4 LBBG & c12 BHG helping with haymaking.

Ogden Res: at 1149 hrs a couple of Common Tern flew in from the south calling loudly. They did  over half a lap on the W shore then veered off over the trees in the direction of Cold Edge. One looked to be a juvenile bird, the other was an adult.

Also 1 Oystercatcher in flight as was a Common Gull. 2 LBBG, several BHG & 2 Cormorant seen but no trace of the GC Grebes. 2 WW, 1 Chiffchaff & 3 GSW.

The golf course rough came up trumps with a juvenile or possible female Yellowhammer in among a small cluster of Meadow Pipit. A male Reed Bunting & 3/4 Stonechat were also active here.
Then it completely shut down.