Thursday, 3 September 2020

Slooow Start Hectic Finish

1030-1230 hrs. The sports field at Raggalds was rotten with small gulls, c130 of 'em. A few more were at the bottom of Persecution Rd which accounts for there being just an handful on full to the brim Ogden Water.

Soil Hill was a grind just a Kestrel & 5 Swallow seen after crawling through the Mire along the track. The Stonechats have disappeared.

Ogden was torpid; gulls were absent then perhaps a couple of LBBG & 6 BHG plus 1 Common Gull would appear then leave within a few minutes. 2 each Cormorant & GC Grebe.
Woodland birds were almost non existent, 4 WW noted.

The walk across to the golf course stile was tearjerking but on the other side a short light rain shower produced c50 Linnet, 5 Meadow Pipit, 1 Reed Bunting, c24 Goldfinch, 3 House Martin & numerous Swallow.

Mixenden Res: 1 Tufted Duck & a few House Martin only.
Builders have started work on repairing the damaged walls previously reported with one section completed.