Wednesday, 30 September 2020

Soil Hill to Mixenden

Not a great day especially when the rain pain came.
Soil Hill: Pr Red-legged Partridge, couple Goldfinch & Meadow Pipit.

Ogden Res: 1 each Kestrel & GC Grebe. Pr Swallow, 6 LBB & a few BH Gulls, Moorhen. 
Finally I got a Dipper for the year (trumpet fanfare) on the stream by the golf course sheds. Also here another Jay & a Blackbird.

A Green Woodpecker flew into the single large Sycamore at Hunter Hill bottom. A Cormorant and 4 BHG were on the boat slipway on Mixenden Res and a brief call from a Nuthatch heard.