Monday, 17 June 2024

Albufera Marsh Marathon

I never seem to learn from past experiences in this vast reserve. I revisited 3 hides that produced oddments in the past but are now dried up and overgrown. This foray really added miles travelled ring circles to my leg muscles. A reward came at the last gasp before exiting, a male Marsh Harrier which showed thrice 👍.

The main hides were busy as usual Kentish Plovers en masse supported by BW Stilts Avocets etc. One species notably absent is Crested or Red-Knobbed Coot. DP was here at peak migration and he didn’t report it either.

5/6 breeding Common Tern, 15 sub adult phase YLG.
I finally got Barn Swallow right in the back of beyond about 9 of em. Couple Hoopoe and a roadkill Blackcap.

Doh! How could I forget Little Bittern and Great Reed Warbler tiredness and old age I reckon 😢