Thursday, 13 June 2024

Albufera Reserve Heaving

A poor day in very warm conditions can’t wait to get out of here.
Breeding Little Egret numbers exponentially exploding and many more Cattle Egrets than my last visit 11 Months ago.
Grotty Ibis on the increase also.
Luckily I managed a single Night Heron 😘.

A pr Blue-headed Yellow Wagtails feeding young and a Black-headed ditto.
I had the misfortune to have a Little Bittern take off a few yards in front of me then sweep across my field of view.

Numerous Flamingo, breeding Common Tern, Avocet, &  BW Stilt. I thought one of 4 Kentish Plover was trying to get into the hide until I saw a 🐥 probably about a couple days old max. 3 LRP.

Nightingales, Cettis, couple singing Spectacled Warblers. I will never moan about Ogden nor Mixenden again
Oh wait hang fire on that…😂.