Breeding Little Egret numbers exponentially exploding and many more Cattle Egrets than my last visit 11 Months ago.
Grotty Ibis on the increase also.
Luckily I managed a single Night Heron 😘.
A pr Blue-headed Yellow Wagtails feeding young and a Black-headed ditto.
I had the misfortune to have a Little Bittern take off a few yards in front of me then sweep across my field of view.
Numerous Flamingo, breeding Common Tern, Avocet, & BW Stilt. I thought one of 4 Kentish Plover was trying to get into the hide until I saw a 🐥 probably about a couple days old max. 3 LRP.
Nightingales, Cettis, couple singing Spectacled Warblers. I will never moan about Ogden nor Mixenden again
Oh wait hang fire on that…😂.