Saturday 29 June 2024

Ogden Water To A Mixenden Migrant

I’m happy to have pushed myself this morning as at the last push-up I was magically rewarded at Mixenden 😋. A drake Common Scoter was present and in keeping with tradition about as far away as possible for a good photo. No complaints though as it’s been a while since this place has delivered.

The Whitethroat & Chiffchaff still singing along with a Goldfinch.

Ogden was hard graft and miserable in the rain but finally saw the return of BHGs - 3 of  them. 2 LBBG & a Tufted Duck also on the drink.
Singles of Blackcap WW Chiffchaff & Curlew also here and a couple Goldfinch. 2 Swallow.