Wednesday, 5 June 2024

Cold Edge Dams Again

Erm, Scientist Dudes, yer know this global warming thingy right? Well, when are yer gonna transport a load up to Yorkshire?🤔. A session in cold rain and winds with alternating blue and grey skies.

Despite this Redshank & Oystercatcher numbers increased from 2 birds to 3 each respectively 👍. 4 Lapwing & 6 Curlew. Although I never left the track one Curlew insisted on yelling at me while flying low overhead.
Yet more signs of predation; I found 3 Lapwing eggs that had been plundered.

1 Skylark, 5/6 Meadow Pipit, c55 Canadas, 5 m Tufted Duck, 1 LBBG upstairs. Couple each Goldfinch & Linnet, 4 Blackbird. 2 Swift, 3/4 Swallow.