Monday 3 June 2024

Raggalds To Mixenden Res

Good to see the Oystercatcher pr still on the scrape at Raggalds and the pr Lapwing too. 3 Swallow flew over.

Went over the tops of Soil Hell only. Pr Goldfinch. 2 Skylark, 2 LBBG over as was a Swift. No id on a flying partridge sp. 1 each WW & Whitethroat. Distant Curlew calls.

Ogden Water: 8 LBBG. 1 m Tufted Duck. 1 each Blackcap & Chiffchaff 2 WW. 1 Swift.
Mixenden Res: 2 Swimmers, 11 Dogs, 4 Swallows.