Saturday, 15 August 2020

Misty Soil Hill to Mixenden

Soil Hill: a GBBG flew over slowly > SE and that was the highlight of Soil Hill. Visibility was so poor on the top I didn't see anything else. It was so quiet, I could hear the plants breathing.

A Mistle Thrush followed by a trio of Green Woodpecker flew from the hillside, where presumably they had been Anting, to the trackside trees on the E side of Ogden Res.

A male Blackcap was seen & a WW called. Not too much sound from the trees. 4 Dunnock were busy on the sandy part of the dullard feeding area.

The water and E shoreline coughed up 1 Grey Heron, 2 Common, c22 LBB & c65 BH Gulls.

The golf course stretch produced 1 male Stonechat, a couple Goldfinch, ditto Pied Wagtai 1 WW & a Buzzard
A few Swallows were seen throughout the walk. Mixenden was comatose.

There were two separate individuals of this butterfly species seen, about half a mile apart. At first I thought Fritillary but there don't seem to be enough spots. I shall's a Wall.