Courtesy of DP with a second attempt at the Pectoral Sandpiper which once more left before we arrived.
A very pleasant summer's day and although not too busy, there were enough varmints around to make things rather interesting.
Highlights were a Little Egret landing and promptly siezing a large fish (possible Perch) from the water's edge. It then took 10 minutes or so to subdue and finally gobble down it's meal.
The Peregrine attempted to sieze a bird (BHG I think) and was responsible for setting the air alive with all the many gulls and Lapwing.
3 Buzzard, 1 Yellow Wagtail ditto Whitethroat, several WW. Numerous Sand Martin, less so Swallows. 3/4 Shoveler, several Gadwall, Tufted & Pochard.
Also Coots by the hundred, Moorhens, numerous large & small gulls, many GC & 2 Little Grebe. Hundreds of Canada and numerous Greylag.