Soil Hell was shrouded in mist so it was a struggle to see anything. Just 1 Skylark ditto Pied Wagtail & 7 Meadow Pipit.
Ogden Water: 6 Blackbird, 1 GSW, 2 Green Woodpecker, 3 Coal Tit, c9 LTT, couple Chaffinch.
I got another Treecreeper which appeared more the norm for UK. It was an obvious brown and the supadupa cilium was a subdued small affair.
1 Herring & 2 LBB Gull on the water along with a fair number of Common & BHGS.
8 Chaffinch, 1 Pied Wagtail & 2 Mistle Thrush at Hunter Hill bottom. Mixenden Res had just 8 small gulls. The woods were quiet.
Pr Jay in flight near Lee Mount.