Tuesday, 13 October 2020

Usual Route Curtailed

Rain stopped play late morning so it was just a session up the hill from hell and Ogden Res.
The site where the Black Redstart patronises is busy with two guys building the wall by the red container so it was no show.

The N'ly blow scoured the area of birds in general. A couple of Meadow Pipit, 1 each Kestrel & Pied Wagtail were the only critters seen
The Ned Hill track is now a linear swamp, birders beware!

Ogden Res provided the only highlight; a pr Greylag Goose which decided it wasn't for them and left after 15 minutes or so.
Others: 1 Common, 5 LBB & c15 BH Gull. 1 each Jay, Bullfinch and a Woodpigeon enjoying a bath in the overflow.