Saturday, 31 October 2020

A Plebian Guide to Gull Identification

Some Gulls are large while others are small, no matter what size I loves 'em all 💓.
Plumage can vary depending on age, at times sending birders into a rage 😧. 
Colours may be white black and grey dear fellow with legs grey/green pink or yellow.
(If there happen to be young 'uns in town, do look out for charcoal and brown).

Some Gulls feed around rubbish tips while others nick your Fish n Chips 🐟.
Gulls are pretty bad at singing, in fact I think they are rather minging.
BHG is so unpleasant they sound like something quite putrescent.

Experts differentiate between coverts and tertials whereas I lack 
the skill and inclination to delve into feathery sublimation.
This is all I can say for today so have yourselves (wait for it)...
A Happy Laridae 😄😁

More follows until you pay the ransom money 😎.