Monday 22 August 2022

Soil Hell To Mixenden

Hard graft this one but it had its moments. No.1 took place along the quarry edge track atop the hill from hades. A Kestrel went over E then a minute or so later a brown bird took off from a wall. Another minute and brown bird was seen chasing one of a Meadow Pipit party. It was a small raptor and perfectly fits F/Juv Merlin. Been a few years since I’ve had one here.

Rest of SH was disappointing: 2 WW. 1 Whitethroat. Several Swallow and a few Goldfinch in Coal Lane.
Ogden Water was painful; gulls again in reduced numbers, mainly BHG. 2 Cormorant & 1 Grey Heron.

Moment No.2 came as I descended down the E slope of the golf course. I almost trod on 5/6 Grey Partridge taking refuge in the ferns. Off they flew complaining loudly before dropping down to hide once more.

Carrs Beck provided the third rise in blood 🩸 pressure. It was busy around the top fence with pipits linnets and I’m really pleased to say a pr of  Spotted Flycatcher.
I should erase Mixenden from the headline with the same vigour I’m erasing it from my 📝 memory.