Friday, 18 August 2017

A Short Outing

1045 hrs Ogden Res in the mainly wet. All went well at first just Gulls barely into double figures and 3 Cormorants. I thought today maybe the day I don't see any more birds. For a while I was happy but then I hit a bad 15 minute patch where bird activity took place. Flitting among the trees hunting for insects were 3 WW, 5 Coal Tit, Blue & Gt Tits, 3 Robin & 2 Blackbirds. To magnify the misery a Nuthatch piped up for 25 seconds or so.

I hastily beat  a retreat and scurried home via Oats Royd which had c30 BHG in a field and nothing else. Half of this site is now Oats Royd Fisheries with trespass notices up but as yet no actual machine gun posts.