Sunday, 27 August 2017

Shibden Head to Swalesmoor

A very pleasant walk in the sunshine even if the SW'ly breeze influenced bird activity in a manner best described as less than athletic.
Shibden: 1 each Buzzard, Kestrel & Jay. A  fair number of House Martins & Swallows, 3 WW, few Jackdaws, Woodpigeon, 1 Stock Dove.

I tried my luck on the now dried up mud  patches on Swalesmoor for flava Wagtails and came up with 6 Pied.
Probably the same Sparrowhawk from my previous trip was once again playing games with a couple of the crows of which were present in not so great numbers.
Also seen were c12 Goldfinch, 7 Linnet, 4 Meadow Pipit, few Swallows, 7 LBBG.