Sunday, 13 August 2017

Shibden Valley & Swales Moor

Quite an interesting morning all told. 3 Buzzard were very active in the valley with 2 Kestrel in support roles.

A couple of House Martin were showing as well as a few Swallows. 2 Green Woodpecker, 1 GSW ditto Jay & Song Thrush, 3 LBBG.

I went across the frog n toad to inspect the Swales Moor farmers fields. Pity that the mud has almost dried up with just 4 Pied Wagtails present. However I was party to fairly long interaction twixt a Sparrowhawk and a Carrion Crow.

c32 LBB & 2 Herring Gulls were sweeping around the tops often fairly low down. Also seen were plenty of corvids and for the first time in yonks a Fox.

On the way back there were plenty of  phone calls and text msgs flying around between BS, DW and myself regarding an Osprey sighting. So as not to steal his thunder I suggest you refer to BS blog this evening.