1025 hrs SE'ly breeze, warm. Very Patchy with sporadic movement mainly of Goldfinch, Linnet, Meadow Pipits in good numbers up at Cold Edge. The dams held 7 Tufted Duck, pr Canada & several BHG. 14 Mistle Thrush were on wires nearby and a GSW in a garden with a few Swallows and 4 WWS throughout.
The stretch from Mixenden Res which appeared birdless produced 4 LBBG, 1 each Kestrel, Green Woodpecker & Juv Curlew. A pr Stonechat were again seen on the rough above Brookhouse and that was it until Ogden.
The Reservoir held 3 Cormorant and the usual LBB & BH Gulls. Just 1 Common Gull was seen. Certainly 1 GSW maybe a pr were by the visitor centre.
Plenty of people and dogs were all around - I couldn't stand the horrendous screaming and barking but 15 minutes later after aborting the lakeside walk I managed to stop it 😆.