Tuesday, 29 August 2017

Wainstalls to Ogden Res

1020 hrs in a W'ly blow. 6 Tufted Duck, pr Teal & Little Grebe on Cold Edge Dams also a few LBBG & Canadas.
Whinchat & 4/5 Stonechat, few Meadow Pipits up the track by the boat hut and farmhouse. A Wheatear was by the Withens but that was it until the stretch from the bottom of Hunter Hill to Brookhouse.

There were scores of Swallows in flight and on the wire fences along with approx a dozen each of Goldfinch & Linnets on the hillside. Once again the golf course rough turned up Stonechats - 3 very nervous birds. A WW was also calling here.

Ogden Res wasn't exactly rocking but did cough up 4/5 Common & a Herring Gull in addition to the usual gang. I couldn't help but think the Herring was a bit on the small side when it was compared with nearby LBBs however it was certainly in adult plumage.
Passerines were thin on the ground but there was a vocal GSW present.