I got the chance to go outside our area today with DW & DM.
2 Buzzard, 6 Red Kite, 4 Mandarin, 2 GSW, 4 Nuthatch, pr Chiffchaff, few WW, possible Willow Tit.
1 Bar-headed Goose with another contender curled up not showing the head. 1 Barnacle Goose & many hundreds of Canadas & Greylags, c16 Tufted Duck. 1 Little Egret, 2 Grey Heron, c600 Lapwing. 1 Blackbird ditto Stock Dove, many Woodpigeon & Swallows.
Pr Grey Wagtail, 1 Pied Wagtail. 1 each Jay, Whitethroat.
Thanks to DW for the lift.