A long slog from 0820-1105 hrs. Who said Shibden is a difficult place to yomp? It was a cake walk - I got caked in mud 👺.
Qunsbry Sth - just a few Goldfinch & Swallow with 2/3 Greenfinch & Linnet, c7 Meadow Pipit. Sadly no House Martin seen which ties in with the news of a resident having only two nests under his eaves as opposed to 4 last year. 18 Canada over > E, 1 LBB, 2 Common & 8 BH Gulls.
Shibden - A good count of 7 Jay, 5 of them together. 2 each Blackbird, Song Thrush, GSW & Green Woody. 1 each Buzzard, Kestrel & Grey Heron, 5 WW, several Swallows, couple Linnet, few more Goldfinch. Stacks of Woodpiggies.