A slow start but when it picked up it got rather good.
Pr Oystercatcher that left the site when the noise started. I'm going to try log this White Goose in with 8 Canada as Anser caerulescens on Birdtrack just to test their mettle y'know.
The Wood Warbler still performing loudly but even more elusive than when first discovered.
A Tree Pipit was in full song and display flight and eventually gave itself up for a photo shoot.
3 Spotted Flycatcher seen but I heard more. 2 of them have built a nest which I could photograph as the tree it was in never moved. Conversely the bird carrying nest material moved rapidly so I only got record shots; like this one.
Song Thrush is a species that seems to be thriving this Spring judging by the singing going on. The usual other arboreal denizens were in full swing and I am almost positive I came across a WW nest site.Also Jay, Green Woodpecker, Grey Heron, Little Owl, Swallow and Meadow Pipits.
Couple House Martin flying over back field when I finally crawled home.