Monday, 11 May 2020

Soil Hill Winter Reprise

At 0655 hrs today a smattering of the cold white filth fell into my garden. 2-1/2 hours later upon the hill from hell a vile vicious East wind not only pierced my winter clothing but unleashed a 10 minute hailstorm forcing me to take shelter by the excavation machinery.

There was no rock n roll from the Sedge Warbler today and no hirundines seen neither. 3 WW & 3 Whitethroat did go through the motions along with some Linnet while the Meadow Pipits and Skylarks seemed unphased by it all.
A few Woodpigeon, 2 Reed Bunting ditto Canadas, 1 Kestrel & the Lapwings were also eyeballed.

A solitary Little Owl perched on a fence post.
Ropey Lane Fly Tip is growing satisfactorily; the amount of Cannabis waste suggests Queensbury's finest will be stoned for another month at least.
A pr Chaffinch & 1 WW were seen while Old Guy Road clanged yet again.