Monday, 4 May 2020

Oats Royd To Ogden Res

I bit off more than I could chew with this long slog there and back, a reminder that I'm really getting old now.
I was rewarded with an annual tick however: 3 Swift just below the Ned Hill Road. Also here were 4 Swallow.

Oats Royd: 4 WW, 3 Chiffchaff, 1 Blackcap, couple Greenfinch ditto Linnet, a few Goldfinch & Blackbird. 7 Canada.
Old Bill was here also: unbelievably some cretins had erected a camp site by the private fishing ponds, complete with large tent. I quickly stashed my Assault Rifle and Glock but there was no need to panic, said Policeman drove straight past me.

Ogden Res, viewable from Promenade only. Very quiet indeed apart from a plethora of WW. 1 Cormorant ditto GSW & distant chuckling Green Woodpecker. Also 1 each Song Thrush & Chiffchaff.
The golf course was also quiet: 1 Whitethroat & a Raven being mobbed by 5 Crow really showing the size difference of the two sp. Another different Green Woodpecker seen in flight nearby. Also 2 Blackcap & a Jay. 3 Blackbird including this relatively confiding male.