Friday, 22 May 2020

Shelf Moor to Horton Bank Country Park

Warm but windy, just managed to hang on to my teeth. Pockets of avian activity punctuated by spells of zilch.
Shelf Moor: 1 Lapwing, couple Linnet, 1 Mistle Thrush ditto Swallow, 4 Swift.

Horton Bank CP: busy with people but no problems as common sense kicked in. I carefully avoided getting too close to the boxers; I remember vividly the day I got beat up by a punchbag 😵.
A Sedge Warbler was quite noisy in the very same place I got one here on May 31 last year.

3 LBBG were present most of the stay while 3 Herring Gull dropped in for a shorter spell. Also one adult BHG seen.

3 juvenile Coot were seen along with 4 adult birds.

A pr Canada were sailing along with just one large chick in tow. A single Mute Swan kept to the background.
2 each Swallow & Swift flew over. Others: 1 Moorhen, pr Bullfinch, 3/4 LTT, singles Jay & Mistle Thrush, 3 Blackbird. I'm sure the wind was responsible for keeping any woodland migrants quiet. However in Littlemoor Park on the way home a Blackcap & a Chiffchaff did pipe up for a short while.