Friday, 8 May 2020

Thursday & Friday News

Thursday 7th May. One lighter moment while in the queue at LIDL Haley Hill. A Garden Warbler was singing from the bushes near the car park. There are also a pr Greenfinch that must have bred or are breeding here as I've heard them making noises regularly for the past couple of months.

Friday 8th May Soil Hill. In sunny warm conditions.

The Sedge Warbler was going crazy, singing all over the joint by the bottom ditch.
In addition to the Lapwings & Curlews, 3 Oystercatcher were flying around the Shay fields noisily.
1 each Pied Wagtail & Reed Bunting in the area too.

Usual WWs & Whitethroats knocking about, not forgetting the Meadow Pipits & Skylarks. More Swallows turning up but no sign of any Sand Martin today.

Today was bonus day for Little Owl; two birds were very active together.