Wednesday, 24 June 2020

Another Long Hike

It ain't too frequent around this area that you have to battle the heat which I much prefer to the prevailing winds and sleet but I have to admit there were spells coupled with boredom that I began to wonder what am I doing out in this?

The answer maybe that once in a while a great bird turns up and this morning one did multiplied by 11 in fact. A party of Crossbill were first heard before some two minutes later they chose to fly directly overhead nice! 

Other than that it was quietsville with the final venue being unworkable due to crowd noise - eat your heart out Soccer stadiums.

Birds: Skylarks, Stonechat, Jay, BHG, LBBG, 2 GSW ditto Nuthatch, Green Woody, 2 Cormorant. Dwindling arboreal migrant singers, Song Thrush, 2 Swallow.