Tuesday, 2 June 2020

Oats Royd Revisited

1050-1210 hrs. I felt obliged to get a visual on the Yellowhammer it being such a special bird for anywhere, really.
I did get quite a few albeit it at distance, hence this appalling photo.

Breeding evidence of WW & Meadow Pipit was seen. 1 Chiffchaff ditto Whitethroat & Dunnock. Few Linnet and this splendid fellow which I think is Throgmorton's Ptarmigan.

Oh that the Snert family were still around: Algernon and Montmorency would have no problem in confirming identification of this now sadly almost extirpated local species.

A pr Roe Deer were present, the male rendering loud barking calls which baffled some walkers.

The great warm weather ends tomorrow; its back to the English summer stuff. Bah Humbug 👺