Monday, 8 June 2020

Soil Hill to Mixenden

0925 hrs Cool with grey skies but no wind. A session of two halves the second of which was close to tear inducing.

A short spell over the hill gave up a couple of Curlew, singles of Skylark & Whitethroat, few Meadow Pipit, couple Linnet and a group of newly fledged Blue Tit. 
Ogden Res; the water was really quiet; visitors may have had some impact but I'm not so sure. 2 BHG & Mall  Dullards. A pr of Oystercatcher flew noisily over and carried on flying. 4 LBBG & a Grey Heron flew > NE.

Woodland birds were subdued in the main: 1 GSW, 3 Goldcrest, 2 Song Thrush ditto Chiffchaff & WW, 1 each Blackcap & male Bullfinch. c10 Blackbird seen from the session start to finish.

The golf course was putrid as was the trek across Hunter Hill bottom with just a Curlew calling loudly.
Mixenden Res: 2 Swallow, 1 Swift ditto Chiffchaff. Again the water was nigh on lifeless with a solitary Redshank proving the highlight and a pr Canada & Dullard loitering.

There was one memorable highlight throughout the walk: an adult LEO flew from behind my left shoulder just about 3 metres away and glided slowly off into the fields. 😁 Rest assured my camera was tucked safely away but I don't think a shot would have been possible given the short timespan.

Yes, I've done it again with the new Blogger format 😰