Soil Hill 1045 hrs. Whitethroats still singing, about 4/5 of them WWs less so perhaps 2. 4 Swallow, c12 Swift. Stonechat male, Pied Wagtail, several Linnet, 1 Moorhen ditto Grey Heron. A single Oystercatcher was very active as were a pr Lapwing. Couple Curlew in the background and less noise from the Skylarks and Meadow Pipits.3 Canada flew over.
Ogden Res. Gulls are now reappearing with 4 adult LBBG & ditto BHG on the water. Also a pr of Tufted Duck and a pr Oystercatcher present, the latter showing well.
Ogden Res. Gulls are now reappearing with 4 adult LBBG & ditto BHG on the water. Also a pr of Tufted Duck and a pr Oystercatcher present, the latter showing well.
A Moorhen was running across the top muddy section of the E shoreline. The usual woodland birds were in good voice; once again Song Thrush making it's presence felt.
PS The bold red background at the top of this post is due to me trying out the new blogger version that will become mandatory at the end of June. I simply could not revert back to the standard format so I completed the rest of it in the legacy blogger. Oh Boy!