Wednesday 18 April 2018

Cuba Goodies

Another early start which didn't prove rewarding. In fact I met my old friend despondency for a short spell but he too got bored and left. No species newcomers before breakfast but 2 Great White Egret were fresh in and the nutcase Tricoloured Heron has found a partner to chase around. I did get another Cuban Emerald, Common Yellowthroat and a pair of Black-whiskered Vireo.
It rained lightly which lends itself to walking for longer in the cooler temperatures so after breakfast I did just that. I got a close up view for a couple of minutes of what I think maybe a Giant Kingbird making a change from Gray but I've still to convince myself.

There are hundreds of beautiful blue and cream crabs roaming the paths here. Some are large enough to give one a tonsillectomy but they tend to back off after sending a couple of semaphore texts. A Turkey Vulture was hanging round giving me much closer views than I expected. The reason soon unfolded; it had discovered a couple of crabs that had been crushed and saw a meal for itself.
All my holidays came at once; I was able to take loads of shots from as close 10 yards away as it started gobbling the goodies. This spectacle only ended when one of those 50s American sedans came spluttering down the track.

On the return back to the hotel I noticed something not quite flush with the presumed GA Grackles nearby, about 12 of them. They called a different tune and their necks were, well, discoloured if you will. Up went the bins and so did the life list after noting their big parrot like bills. I once again got stuck in photographing these Smooth-billed Ani.