Tuesday 10 April 2018

Cuban Birds

Day One or rather evening one Mon April 9. On departing the airport where the temperature was close to 40C I saw around 56 Turkey Vultures soaring before reaching the hotel. The lobby was and is lousy with House Sparrows! I picked up a Grey Kingbird and a Northern Mockingbird plus 4 unid species before fading light and exhaustion did my head in.

Day Two Tues April 10. I did a morning session before the heat really started to gimme some hammer. There is a rather diminished marsh area surrounding a lagoon near the beach. By this I mean the mud is cracked and dried with plant life withered and the bushes and trees looking wrecked. However I got some very good birds with a modicum of lifers thrown in for good measure: Great White Egret, Green Heron, Tricoloured Heron, Yellow Crowned Night Heron (lifer) Blue-winged Teal (lifer although I found a dead one on Lister Park lake aeons ago) White-cheeked Pintail (lifer) Yellow Warbler, Grey Kingbird, Red-legged Thrush (lifer) Greater Antillean Grackle, Cuban Blackbird, Black-winged Stilt, Killdeer, Turnstone aplenty, Least Sandpiper, Lesser Yellowlegs. I got some reasonable photos but it's a nightmare transferring them to this tablet and keeping quality. One has to resize down to 640 pixels so that storage space and Web publishing is better managed.

There is one outstanding identity problem: have I seen a Little or a Snowy Egret today? This should keep me worrying for a short while methinks.