Sunday 15 April 2018

Cuba Sorry

This morning was the coolest yet I'm happy to say and it brought the birds out accordingly including 2/3 newcomers. I'm uncertain of the number simply because I dipped my toes into the dark world of brown grey sandpipers of the 7 inches or thereabouts ilk. Least Sands are not a problem because the have yeller legs and can be viewed down to 3 yards. However I got not too close views of about 4 slightly larger birds and after soul and guidebook searching I'm sticking to the safe route and blaming Semi-palmated Sandpiper.

I was relieved to get a duo of Lesser and Greater Yellowlegs together - no problems there. The other definite new bird was a juicy Pied-billed Grebe, excellent to see at home after the Hollingworth lake experience. A huge Great Blue Heron flew around twice before landing to perch on a partly submerged tree trunk. Others that reappeared include Red-legged Thrush, Blue-winged Teal, the Heron gang ditto the east side Turnstone crew. As I picked my way through the 'stones I'm fairly sure I heard a muffled "Sup Dude".
A table top GA Grackle flew into the grass nearby, took one look at a piece of bacon I'd spat out and ignored it completely. Thanks pal, now I know to change my diet.