Monday, 29 March 2021

Gale Stricken Soil Hill Route

I've been out in plenty of driving SW'ly blasts up the Devil's Peak 👹 but this one gets the medals. I can hear by the rattling noise that I've still got my teeth albeit at the expense of a rewarding session.

Meadow Pipits and Skylarks were displaying and singing throughout but Curlew & Lapwing numbers were down to very low counts of 2 or 3. 1 Reed Bunting, 2 Greenfinch ditto Pied Wagtail & 2 Blackbird present.
I still have to work out whether the Roe Deer pair I saw were running or being blown along.

Ogden Res provided an interesting visual; a female Goosander caught a big frog and after a brief tussle transferred it from gob to gullet.

9 large gulls present included 1 adult Herring & 4 adult LBBs.
Also 1 singing Chiffchaff ditto Song Thrush, GSW, pr Blackbird.

The golf course/Stod Fold route was being wind blasted so no Curlew seen or heard.  1 each Skylark and Reed Bunting & a few Meadow Pipit observed.
Mixenden Res was dire, no Gulls at all.
1 Moorhen, pr Jay, 1 singing Chiffchaff.