Monday, 22 March 2021

Soil Hill to Mixenden

Rather windy on the Hellish Hill where the heavy haulage and dirty digging is underway once more with a vengeance.
Curlew were whizzing round at such a rate I faced the problem of double counting so I'll settle for 11 birds minimum. 
1 Grey Heron ditto Stonechat, pr Oystercatcher, few Lapwing, Meadow Pipit & Skylark. 

Ogden Plantation provided me with a Woodcock that must have been imbibing rocket fuel they way it zoomed off. Again Curlew in evidence & a Stock Dove.
The reservoir held a Tufted Duck drake, 3/4 each LBB & Herring Gull. A small number of Siskin were high up in a canopy of conifers. 

Singles of Reed Bunting, Skylark & Green Woodpecker about the golf course. Stod Fold was busy with at least 25 Curlew.
Mixenden Res held just one distant small Gull sp. only. Also 3 Grey Wagtail, 2 LTT & a singing Chiffchaff.

DS had 2 Brambling in her reserve this am. Both DP & DW eventually clocked them.