Friday, 5 March 2021

Murder Most Fowl

This photo just shows the violence that occurs in Queensbury.

It was taken by a lady who wishes to remain anonymous and I don't blame her.
The victim believed to be a Black-headed Gull (I will subject the remains to a forensic examination asap) was found near Chapel Lane this morning.

The finder reports seeing my chief suspect, a Sparrowhawk loitering on a house chimney quite recently. They are known to behead their prey before feasting and this has certainly had the number done on it๐Ÿ‘น.
The lady asks was a fox involved too? This could have been the reason why the torso has been stripped bare; a fox finishing off the remains. Again, one has been seen lurking in the same area.

Sleep well people ๐Ÿ˜.

PS Upon turning the bird the right way up, it turned out to be a feral Pigeon.