Sunday, 14 March 2021

Queensbury South Short Route

1000-1125 hrs. A slow start but I'm happy with the final tally.
7 Blackbird, several Goldfinch thinly scattered. 1 each GSW, Greenfinch, Nuthatch & Mistle Thrush. Singles/Doubles Chaffinch & usual Tits.

3 Pied Wagtail ditto Lapwing. 5 each Meadow Pipit & Skylark, the latter all singing. It was very satisfying to get 2 Common Snipe back in their former regular site which has now got more reeds growing.
Also 1 Common & 4 BH Gulls, c250 Starling, House Sparrows & Crows.

I was amazed to find that the Small Tortoiseshell butterfly reported on March 2nd as missing has reappeared and is roosting on my bathroom window.