Tuesday, 30 March 2021

Swillington (Crowd) Ings

Courtesy of DP on a warm sunny day that brought some good birds out and flocks of Homo Sapiens.

50 Whooper Swan were a very pleasant unexpected surprise.
Finally I got my first Kestrel of the year, interacting with a Buzzard.
Other newbies were c25 Sand Martin & 2 Shelduck. I discounted a far distant Black-tailed Godwit viewed through a local birder's scope - it was just an orange blob.

The pr Black-necked Grebe were in their usual haunt but the Slavonian Grebe wandered far out and photos weren't possible.

3 Cettis Warblers heard and a booming Bittern. Meadow Pipits & a few Skylark displaying.

7/8 Goldeneye spread thinly. A few Shoveler & Pochard and the hordes of  Tufted Duck.

I'm running out of steam now. Numerous Gulls, Geese, GCGs, 4 Cormorant ditto Reed Bunting & a Grey Heron.

We missed an Osprey & Wheatear but they can wait...